Saturday, 24 April 2010

Lots of seedlings growing very nicely

So here are my seedlings which are all doing really well expecially as most of them were in a greenhouse which blew over and the seeds and seedlings were scraped up and repotted!!A tray of mixed lettuce and rocket seedlings - these will be planted in the allotment when they are a bit bigger and I grow cut and come again in the greenhouse
Courgettes - 4 varieties and I will grow 2 of each and give the rest away to friends
Sweetcorn - First time I've got Sweetcorn to germinate - I had to buy plants last year
Basil - Cinamen - I'm also growing Lemon and Spice
My biggest Cucumber so far - some rotted so I have various different sizes and 2 varieties - Marketmore, which I grew last year and were fantastic and Bedfordshire Prize which I have been a bit disappointed with the germination rate

Peppers - Sweet and Chilli - quite slow to get going. I'm still eating my last years Chilli's, which I froze and like to chop one into small slices and add to and omlett....Delicious
More tomatoes
Some of my many Tomatoes


  1. All looking really healthy. I've heard of others having the same problem with their mini greenhouse. I always put a bag of compost on the bottom shelf when I use mine outside.

  2. Those tomatoes are going strong. My seedlings are about an inch high. Have cheated and bought 3 bush varieties, just to get some before August!

  3. Nice work. Your cucumbers are way ahead of mine. I've got two up and sowed another four last week. My first time with them, So I'll be interested to see how they do outdoors.

  4. Thanks all for your comments - I actually think the blowing over of the greenhouse helped my tomatoes (although I have little idea of there variaties now) because I repotted most of them and planted them really deep as they were quite leggy before and since then they have put on so much growth and are a lot sturdier - as for the cucumbers I grew them for the first time last year outside in pots and they were amazing. The greenhouse is a plastic walk in one from Poudstretchers that cost £16.99 which I thought was amazing but it does rather act like a sail when it's really windy, however I have turned it around and weighed it down a lot more and it seems OK for the moment!
