And here are the spuds all laid out like tombstones!
I was almost to the end of planting them all when a voice called out "still a bit wet ain't it?" which made me jump out of my skin! I'm sure the old boys up at the allotment do this for a laugh as it gets me everytime. This time it was Gordon. He has a full allotment one down and one across from mine. I'd never met him before and it was very nice to meet him I must say. He is 81 years old and has had an allotment on this site for 50 years this year!! I say an allotment because he told me he used to have 3 full plots at one time but now was down to just one full plot because of ill health. He seemed pretty fit and healthy to me and was there to pick some rhubarb for a crumble. We chatted for ages and I could feel the wind starting to get up and the sky was beginning to darken. Each time I tried to get back to plant my last few spuds, and the garlic I had also bought up, Gordon would tell me another veggie story until eventually he said "you won't get much done now in this weather" and nipped off home with his rhubarb. About a minute before it started poring down with rain. I finished planting my spuds and garlic in record time before a massive storm began. I dived in the shed for shelter and laughed at how I was shaw Gordon must be laughing at me in the rain.
You certainly meet some characters down at the allotment and they all swear like bleedin' troopers too!!! ;-)