Sunday, 6 March 2011


Saturday night was world book night and having applied for some copies of Nigel Slaters Toast to give out at the allotment that's what I did this weekend! I spent both Saturday and Sunday at the allotment and did loads of digging. More than I have ever done to be honest and now I ache like hell. A day off and 20 miles on a mountain bike in Friday didn't help either! Anyway a cold but sunny weekend provided perfect digging weather and I dug my onion and bean plot and my potato plot - just the middle bit to do! I also got given an incinerater and a couple of garlic bulbs so I burnt the shed and planted the garlic!

Also planted a row of Red Baron Onions (too impatient to wait any longer) - have also sown my peppers chillies and tomatoes in the conservatory this weeked.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Big Banana Peppers!

Just ordered some of these peppers....Mr Grumpy from the allotment grew some last year and they were huge.